New competiton! 200$ STARDOLLARS is the big prize!
You have to spam this post so much. to write comments with what you want.
EXCEPT things like 'jghfghdufgj' or bad things. That kind of comments won't be taken in consideration and you can have the risk to be disqualified.
So, who own the bigest number of comments AT THIS POST gets 200$ stardollars.
Good luck.
1 – 200 of 574 Newer› Newest»I like chocolate-first comment
Did I mention I like chocolate?Yes?No problem,it's about spamming here
I have already started!
and right now I'm starting my own beauty blog
i'll keep you up to date,every single minute
I'm a spammeeeerrrr
the biggest one
want more?
do you need 300 comments?
you'll get them
I'm back
so about my beauty blog
I finally choosed a template
now it's time to customize it
right now i'm adding the widgetssssss
nobody here?
it looks like i'm talking with myself
no one will beat me
hahah i was born this way
i love lady gaga
do you know my blog ?
i think you do !
visit me on my stardoll page
I'm Ghandoora
I love you honey
why you don't open MSN ?
I really love this comp
it's a kiss
is that enough ??
i will back
luv u
WOW i commented so much
i feel that there is no one gonna win S:
do u agree ?? rammona ?
keafkom ?? any one speak Arabic ?
I'm back again
uuh competition :O
I love lady gaga too
check my blog out http: //i-heartmyself.blogspot. com
it is under contruction
ooh and today my mother and I will be going to make some delicious cookies
eeh,actually my mother,I think I will just watch her:)))
ghandoora where are you?
lonely,I am so lonely
i'm from romania,shakira concerted yesterday here
waka waka eh-eh
my boyfriend went to the concert without me
he was on tv lol:))
now he's on his way home
no one?
my name is Anna
I love stardoll
i love art
I love fashion...
visit me in stardoll^^
wats up??
how r u?
im from Latvia
I like drawing people
good for you anna
I'm on Youtube
I like dancing
My youtube name is AnnuxLv
and I love volleyball
If you haw any questions ask me
I'm on higschool's team
this is an interesting competition
I waanna win!
no we don't have
bad for you
I like Ramona.Dawn :)
cause I'll win
it's a fact
She is great
sooo much comments
i know I;m great
no need to tell me
i love commenting
i can continue like this all day
wats your dream?
and all night
mine is a
i love spamming
im bored:D
spamming is cool
nana na lala..
what more can i say
baby i was born this way:D
romana you better prepare that prize
for me ofc
baby you should change your hair color
no offense
and when you scroll down all you can see
is my pictureee
I <3 myself
like all girls should do
does anyone watch ANTM
cause I want Molly to win this season
she's so amazing
anna where are you?
you better watch out
you better not cry
santa claussssssssssssss
is coming to towwwn
177 more comments
and then
i can receive my prize
and one more time
be right back
gotta do research for my blog
i'm baack
still no one here?
besides me
right now I;m writing an articlee
134 coment yay
I love maroon 5
wake up call,caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
kiss kiss bang bang
forever alone
like a boss
can't wait for the harry potter premiere
I'm baad to the boneee
baby baby baby ooooh
i'm hungry
i want ice cream
ice is so cold
water is so wet
oranges are so orange
candies are so sweet
women are necesarily evil
my baby is homeee
and he brought me a giftt
and I can't wait to see him
outside it's raining
i have homework
and I have to study
but of course,I'll just waste time here
still no one?
140 more coments till I get my prize
my momma told when I was young that I was born superstar
and she was right
it's still raining
tomorrow school again
can't wait for those cookies
i'm really hungry
I am number 1
woah i'm bored
lool still no one
You are
You are
and I think I've posted over 100 coments
no problem I'll continue
I wanna sleep xD
Hw r u ?
Are you bored,dude ?
But , this activity is nice
very , very , very nice
Yesterday Shakira was in bucharest ♥
And the rain came with her. :(
I must do my homeworks
on 16th may I have a big test :-(
But first ,
I wanna drink my delicious...
I got a cold juice ♥
But now I`m bored too
I wait for my dad to bring the juice =x
I`m ill :(
I have got a sore trhoat :( and a cold.
And tomorrow
I must go to school !
I hate this period with exams.
Hehe :D brb
I wanna see
What`s on other blogs
Buut ...
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