Well, I hurried because i was exicted to the new Sunny Bunny..It is awesome! I purchased close all this floor because I am really in love with it. I think those hair extenstions & bangs are very interesting. Piercings & glasses too. This floor is too cool to be real ;D
What you think about it ?
Your blog it`s orrible :-&
First, Learn to write english then come to my blog and write stupid things but nobody will agree with you because all of them know that i am only one on this blog and they really apreciate it. So if you're gonna leave stupid comment the only one thing you do is to make my popular in comments.
And what can i say about your blog? If my blog is horibile, how is your blog? Please tell me now.
I haven`t a blog. Thst blog isn`t mine now. So..I say ..You blog is horible
Arh.. You just jeleaous :)
Me? Or you? You know? YOu are a very crazy girl...supid and l-)
Take english lessons please.
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